Python, Django+DRF, Javascript, Redis, PostgreSQL, FFMpeg, Video processing (FFmpeg), HLS, AWS, IaC (Terraform and cloudformation), CI/CD (Github Actions and Jenkins). Hands on experince with all mentioned 😊.


More than just a software developer.

Learn, Understand, Brainstorm, Train, Develop, Maintain, Run10k, Repeat.

I have used above pattern in my 10 years of software journey and it helped me extraordinarily.

I have hands-on experience of software products going down and up. I have worked in start ups with less than 10 head count and enjoyed building real world and easy to use products. To solve one issue you need to find answers to multiple smaller issues and that is where I learn and grow. It’s not just writing the code that builds a product. There are many other integral parts to make the product a success. Following are some of my believes and some are just facts πŸ˜ƒ

Engineering research and Market research are equally important. Retaining existing customers is equally important to acquiring new users. Good documentation and writing tests is as important as the code itself (Yes, It takes time and energy, lots of it, as it keeps changing).

Brainstorming on ideas/implementations, picking up most valuable deal for long term growth is the key. Maintainable and scalable codebases starts giving back higher returns as software and teams grow. Production hot-fixes are very important only for short period of time, they must be re-visited.

Those extra lines of code are great if it reduces the cognitive load. Context switches can be expensive but are required to fix the problems of existing users.

Make it work.